Thursday, August 23, 2007


My whole life I've had this crayon. Not just any crayon. A huge crayon. But not just any huge crayon. A huge crayon that holds coins. I've had this crayon in my room for 23 years now, and slowly the coinage has been mitosis-ing year after year. A week ago I noticed that the crayon was filled to the brim. Since the crayon was filled to the brim, and since the yield the crayon offers a cool 0.0% APR, I figured it was finally time to cash those bad boys in. Here's the final tally:

Dollars: 2
Half Dollars: 0
Quarters: 644
Dimes: 656
Nickels: 455
Pennies: 2500

Coin Total: 276.35

Definite goo right there. I was expecting something in the 150.00-175.00 range. I'd also like to point out that I had exactly 2,500 pennies in that huge crayon. If that's not lucky I don't know what is. You know, because some gnome once said that pennies are lucky, and that the number 2,500 is not unlucky. The gnome's trustworthiness aside, I still think that was pretty sweet.

Also not listed above is a hodgepodge of other random coinage that didn't make it through the glorious counting machine:

1 silver dime
1 Canadian quarter
1 British coin worth 2 pence
1 Mexican nickel
1 grossest dime I've ever seen
1 Chuck E Cheese Token
and a number of really old "one cent" pennies

On a more sentimental note, it was kind of sad leaving, because that massive collection of coins is one of the few things left that ties me back to my beginnings. Sounds kind of lame to think that there might be an "After Crayon" era, but if there is it begins now. I fear it.

Also, while "coinage" is an actual word, it definitely looks like one of those words that I (or my buddays) would make up.


will said...

i have a stack of them coins, that I can't begin to think about counting, and there's not way I'm giving coinstar any of it.

my friend had one of those huge coke bottles and he put change in it for a long time, then he bough an atari jaguar. ahh, lost innocence

Tannertrue said...

While I don't want to give Coinstar any of it. I also don't want to do it myself.

It's the cheap, lazy man's paradox.

Scott said...

Dude, nice haul. Didn't I say there would be more than $200 in there?

I was expecting one of your "didn't go through the coinstar" deals to be those huge coaster-sized novelty coins you made a habit of collecting back in the day (along with bottle caps and toenail clippings).

Also, how did you physically get the coins to the machine? 50 plastic sandwich baggies?

Kyle said...

oh man i definitely remember those novelty coins. i collected so many of those beasts.

i brought all my coins to Ralphs in three grocery bags. i was a little embarrassed though because the bags were from Pavilions.